Translations of the WingMakers Materials
From its very first day on the Internet, the WingMakers site was popular outside the English-speaking countries. Perhaps owing to the fact that the materials were more than just text, people could connect to them even if the language wasn’t familiar. Over the years, with amazing consistency, about 55% of visitors have been from outside the United States.
Many of the WingMakers enthusiasts invest considerable time and energy to make translations of the materials. The outcome of their hard work is available below. We salute all of you who helped make these works available! As any of you can imagine, it’s very hard to use machine translations on these materials (like Google Translate). The subtle nuance is missing. If you have a gift for translations, and would like to translate any of the WingMakers Materials not in this section, please contact us.
Note: These files are translated from their original English works. All of the materials below represent human translations. cannot guarantee their accuracy.
- Energetic Heart Deu (Energetic Heart)
- Philosophie Ch 1 (Chamber 1 Philosophy)
- Philosophie Ch 2 (Chamber 2 Philosophy)
- Philosophie Ch 3 (Chamber 3 Philosophy)
- Philosophie Ch 4 (Chamber 4 Philosophy)
- Glossar (Glossary)
- lyricus 1 Diskurs (Lyricus 1 Discourse)
- lyricus 2 Diskurs (Lyricus 2 Discourse)
- lyricus1 3 Diskurs (Lyricus 3 Discourse)
- lyricus 4 Diskurs (Lyricus 4 Discourse)
- lyricus 5 Diskurs (Lyricus 5 Discourse)
- lyricus1 6 Diskurs (Lyricus 6 Discourse)
- Meine zentrale Botschaft (My Central Message)
- Mein Zentral Zweck (My Central Purpose)
- Mein Zentral Offenbarung (My Central Revelation)
- Poetry Kollektion (Poetry Collection)
- Projekt Camelot Interview (Project Camelot Interview)
Click here to visit the Japanese WingMakers website.
- Mon message central (My Central Message)
- Mon objectif central (My Central Purpose)
- Ma révélation centrale (My Central revelation)
- Lyricus 1 discours (Lyricus 1 Discourse)
- Lyricus 2 discours (Lyricus 2 Discourse)
- Lyricus1 3 discours (Lyricus 3 Discourse)
- Lyricus 4 discours (Lyricus 4 Discourse)
- Lyricus 5 discours (Lyricus 5 Discourse)
- Lyricus1 6 discours (Lyricus 6 Discourse)
- Chambre 1 Philosophie (Chamber 1 Philosophy)
- Chambre 2 Philosophie (Chamber 2 Philosophy)
- Chambre 3 Philosophie (Chamber 3 Philosophy)
- Chambre 4 Philosophie (Chamber 4 Philosophy)
- Neruda Interviews 1-4 (Neruda Interviews 1-4)
- Philosophie Glossaire (Philosophy Glossary)
- WingMakers Poésie (WingMakers Poetry)
- Le Coeur Levant (The Rising Heart)
- Le projet Ancient Arrow (The Ancient Arrow Project)
- Filozófia Chamber 1 (Philosophy Chamber 1)
- Filozófia Chamber 3 central (Philosophy Chamber 3)
- Filozófia Chamber 4 (Philosophy Chamber 4)
- Lyricus diskurzus 1 (Lyricus 1 Discourse)
- Lyricus diskurzus 2 (Lyricus 2 Discourse)
- Lyricus diskurzus 3 (Lyricus 3 Discourse)
- Lyricus diskurzus 4 (Lyricus 4 Discourse)
- Lyricus diskurzus 5 (Lyricus 5 Discourse)
- Neruda interjú 2 (Neruda Interview 2)
- Neruda interjú 3 (Neruda Interview 3)
- Neruda interjú 4 (Neruda Interview 4)
- Szójegyzék (Glossary)
- Lyricus Discorso 1 (Lyricus 1 Discourse)
- Lyricus Discorso 2 (Lyricus 2 Discourse)
- Lyricus Discorso 3 (Lyricus 3 Discourse)
- Lyricus Discorso 4 (Lyricus 4 Discourse)
- Lyricus Discorso 5 (Lyricus 5 Discourse)
- Lyricus Discorso 6 (Lyricus 6 Discourse)
- Il mio messaggio centrale (My Central Message)
- Il mio scopo Central (My Central Purpose)
- My Central Revelation (My Central Revelation)
- Filosofia Sezione 1 (Chamber 1 Philosophy)
- Filosofia Sezione 2 (Chamber 2 Philosophy)
- Filosofia Sezione 3 (Chamber 3 Philosophy)
- Filosofia Sezione 4 (Chamber 4 Philosophy)
- Glossario (Glossary)
- Wingmakers Introduzione (WingMakers Introduction)
- Lyricus Introduzione (Lyricus Introduction)
- Lyricus FAQ 1 (Lyricus FAQ 1)
- Lyricus FAQ 2 (Lyricus FAQ 2)
- L’arte del Genuine (The Art of the Genuine)
- Il Cuore Energetico (The Energetic Heart)
- Vivere dal cuore (Living from the Heart)
- Cosmogonia Liminale (Liminal Cosmogony)