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Central to WingMakers philosophy is that we live in a multiverse in which there are different frequencies or vibratory levels of experience. Within this cosmological structure there is First Source, a singular, non-dichotomous entity that is an energetic presence on all levels of our multiverse. Source Intelligence is the “eyes and ears” of First Source that enable IT to project into the human, animal, plant, and mineral domains and interconnect all life forms energetically.

The philosophy of WingMakers reflects a mythological basis. It portrays our multiverse at a large scale, however, its real focus is on the sovereign nature of the individual. We exist in a freewill multiverse and WingMakers are a future representation of our human genome. In effect, WingMakers are us from a future time.

Within a freewill domain, there are dominant realities, and sometimes these dominant realities are illusory, which is to say, there are those entities that have realized their power and have used it to their advantage, positioning themselves as Gods. With their relative God-like powers, they asserted a mythology that now runs deep in our religious books and global culture. Even our education and government systems reflect this mythology. To some extent, even our current understanding of science is tilted to accept this mythology.

These self-proclaimed “Gods” are real, but are not related to, nor represent, First Source or Source Intelligence. Operating from vibratory levels invisible to the human senses, they’ve selectively uncoupled from First Source in service to their own agenda, which, in our prehistory, was to obfuscate and appropriate the true nature of the multiverse so humanity was prone to worship them. They designed human bodies with prison-like reductions in our freedom, yet we remain largely unaware of the restrictions and encroaching technologies that herd us in ever-tightening corrals.

As a philosophical purpose, the WingMakers Materials have several themes:

    • The individual must use their own discrimination and construct their way through the designed illusion, using tools that relate to behavioral intelligence. Our current philosophies of the mind are simply recitation and recycling of previous thought. Philosophy must have expression in behaviors that stem from heart and mind virtues.
    • The “Way” is not formulated through mantras, morals, sacrifice, tithing, obedience to laws, membership, nor is it mediated by saints, masters or gurus. It is an exceedingly simple birthright coupled to a persistent practice of the heart virtues and seeking the perspective of the sovereign integral in one’s life.
    • God and spirit, as conceived of by humankind, has been designed by religion-builders for ulterior purposes. These ulterior purposes continue to this day and the outward expression of this has resulted in the stultification, separation and imprisonment of humankind.
    • The desire to know how the multiverse operates is like wanting to know how a dramatic film is made. Once you know how it is made, you are not one step closer to reality. The multiverse is not knowable, because it’s an illusion. The real world consists of the Sovereign Integral consciousness.
    • The illusion exists to learn from, and if properly realized, it points the way to the “crack in the wall” where one can see the outline of their true reality.
    • Philosophy cannot be bought and sold. It cannot be systematized. It is not a set formula. It is not a tool of mental exercise. It is not a game of wisdom. It does not hold power over the material world where people apply it to achieve material gain. Philosophy is the pure expression of Sovereign Integral virtues in the moment of one life to another.

There are four philosophy papers and a companion glossary that constitute the core of the WingMakers philosophic voice. There’re also excerpts from Liminal Cosmogony, Interviews of James Mahu, the Neruda Interviews, the Lyricus Discourses, and dozens of papers. The Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. I and II are excellent compendiums of WingMakers from a philosophical perspective. The five novels that James Mahu has written also provide deeper insights into the philosophical perspective of WingMakers. Quantusum is perhaps the most philosophical of the WingMakers’ literature.