Mythological Narrative
“Mythology is not a lie, mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical. It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truth—penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told.”
Joseph Campbell
WingMakers is a contemporary mythology, yet it provides insights and perspectives on a wide range of topics that pertain to an individual’s spiritual nature, opaqueness of governments, religious malfeasance, technological singularity, and the broader cosmological structure we call the multiverse.
It also makes use of transmedia in that its mythological storytelling is not confined to literature, but is comprised of music, art, poetry, and philosophy, all under the sweeping arc of cosmological proportions.
Mythology enables a visionary creator like James Mahu to paint immersive narratives that explore the secrets of the human soul’s immortality; its relation to the multiverse; how and why a dark force has created our modern-day “prison;” and how can these tangled up affairs achieve a resolution?
As a mythology, WingMakers are a race of time travelers that evolved from human DNA. Formerly called the Elohim or the Light Carriers in more ancient times. They are us in a future time. They have the advantage of knowing the traps and pitfalls that wait for humanity as it evolves. They look at the centuries in the same way that we would turn pages in a book.
They left behind ancient, archaeological sites that were designed to transfer knowledge from them to us, at precise times and to precise people. These people were tasked with getting the planet prepared for something profoundly disruptive. It was the signature event of a species. WingMakers call The Grand Portal, the irrefutable, scientific discovery of the human soul.
The problem was that this discovery was not desirable to those in power. And those in power were not the usual suspects of political, corporate, or religious leaders, but rather these leaders were unwittingly complicit to a larger, hidden power. A power that was interdimensional and invisible, whose interactions with humanity were at the very inception of human life on earth, yet had, since more modern times, retreated.
However, and this goes to the perpetuation of illusions through institutions and culture, the limitations that had been instilled in the body, mind, consciousness of humans, continued, even when the creators of those limitations had left. Human elements decided to take over the illusion for their own self-aggrandizement and they have unwittingly perpetuated it.
The power vacuum quickly filled—its new inhabitants occupied the rarified levels of state governments, religions, institutions, and multinational corporations. It is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Its primary modus operandi is the very simple edict: divide and conquer. It separates classes, ethnicities, educational levels and a thousand other things.
If everything is divided, nothing is whole. This is the great illusion they had painstakingly perpetuated.
The WingMakers, being time travelers, knew of this condition. They planted the knowledge; cultivated its messengers; and began to implement the slow and laborious plan to overthrow this great illusion—thus, The Grand Portal was conceived to tear down the mental and emotional walls of separation.
This narrative runs through all of the WingMakers materials, sometimes veiled in fictional stories like Quantusum or The Weather Composer; sometimes it is given heightened realism as in the Neruda Interviews.
As the author, Ursula Le Guin wrote: “The poet Rilke looked at a statue of Apollo about fifty years ago, and it spoke to him. ‘You must change your life,’ Apollo reportedly said. When true myth rises into consciousness that is always its message. You must change your life.”
This is perhaps the poignant message of James Mahu in the WingMakers mythology. You must change your life. Not because he told you how or why, but because something in this broad mythological canvas reached out to you, looked you in the eyes, and appealed to your sense of logic; your sense of truth, and awakened your intuitive faculties enough to where you could see that under-appreciated, unnourished part of you known as the Sovereign Integral.
Joseph Campbell, the American mythologist, writer and lecturer, put it this way: “Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.” Perhaps the best thing that we, as a species, can do is to make the irrefutable, scientific discovery of the human soul a public dream that turns into a public reality.